Thursday, July 28, 2011

Chapter 7

The mood of the narrative changes when they see land from adventurous to excitement. They try to navigate the currents and reefs to approach the island. They look towards the island and see two canoes coming towards the boat.  They meet the natives that come to greet them and the crew decide to send Knut to the island to request help to get the boat to the island. While Knut is away the remaining crew realizes that the raft is going to be destroyed on a reef if it is not pulled in. Knut comes back and the crew and him decide it would be best to go into the island and bring the supplies with them. After they reach the island they pass out asleep. It is a beautiful place and Bengt even says, "Purgatory was a bit damp, but heaven is more or less as I'd imagined it." No one disagrees.

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