Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kon-Tiki chapter 6 part 2

To the excitement of the crew ,especially the two radio opporators, they make contact with people on land. As a result they are able to send weather reports and able to tell their families that they are safe and well. Unfortuantely, they were only temporarily safe. Soon after they were hit with brutal storms. During one of these episodes a sleeping bag flew over the sides. Herman saw this and leaned over to get it. Herman slipped and fell into the surf and he got dragged out to sea. This lead to the other crews to panic to recover their  friend. After and intense struggle,they save Herman. But, when looking to make sure all of the crew is there they find that they are missing a parrot. The death of their parrot reiterated the fact that if something is left behind it stays there.

Later in the chapter they see a promising sight in the sky. Suprised, they look into the horizon and see birds. This means that they are close to land. They follow the birds in the evening because they will lead them to land but later the narrarator, Thor Heyerdahl, says "Next day there were still more birds over us, but we did not need to wait for them to show us our way again in the evening." He thinks this because he sees stationary clouds that indicate land.

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