Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kon-Tiki chapter 8

As the final chapter proceeds and the voyage of Kon-Tiki comes to an end, the crew members travel to a different island in Polynesia where they are welcomed with open arms. They eat and dance till the morning. When they finally get the radio repaired from the Kon-Tiki's crash they use it to get an escort home. But, before they leave they help the tribe with illnesses that they have with the medicine that they have in their supplies for the trip. When high tide comes in they are able to pull the Kon-Tiki wreckage from the coral. Finally, the six crew members are picked up from the island. All of the Polynesians came to say good bye and it was a scene of mixed emotions. There was sadness because new friends were parting, but their was happiness because of all the good that came of the journey and the union of two cultures.

Before the crew leaves the Polynesian islands they are told to throw wreathes into the reef if they wish to come back. All of the crew desire to come back and this is proven when Thor writes,"And in the lagoon at Tahiti six white wreaths lay alone, washing in and out, in and out, with wavelets on the beach."

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